Saturday, December 13, 2014

Be Prepared

Be Prepared.  I've recited that phrase for almost 25 years. It's the Motto of the Boy Scouts of America. Be Prepared, Be prepared for what? What am I preparing for? I'm preparing for the future. How am I preparing for the future? Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, Emotionally, and Financially.

Physically-This is more than getting in shape. This is also the assests or tools I have on hand to help me and my family not just survive but thrive in the future.

Mentally- Knowledge is power. I want to become a lifelong student. I want to learn everything I can.

Spiritually- Not sure yet. I believe in a Higher Power, but my faith is shaken right now.

Emotionally- I want to improve my relationship with my wife. As well as improve my emotional well being. Stress sucks coping with it is the key, right now, stress sucks.

Financially- I want to stop robbing Peter to pay Paul. I want to stop wasting money. I want my money to work for me (investments) I want to grow my wealth.

This blog is my journey to Being Prepared.

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